Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Which Is Hotter?

Alec Scudder in Maurice or Pinhead in Hellraiser?
I know, you're all, "Whaaaa? JA's finally done gone lost his brain." Well firstly, I never had a brain to begin with so ha, you lose. And two, these movies actually both came out on this day of September 18th twenty-five years ago in 1987. Now that would've been a double-feature, huh? Anyway I'm sure Scudder (maybe second only to Jake Ryan in the "most perfect crush" department) will win this poll, but I'm also sure a few of y'all pervs will vote for ol' Pinny too, so have at it. 

Also, here's a decent question - which one of these movies is queerer? Sure Maurice has plenty of man-on-man, but subtext-wise Clive Barker's never skimping, that's for sure.

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